Saturday, November 8, 2008

Welcome to the School Principals Blog

I have been a school principal for a number of years handling both public and private schools. Educationally, I specialize in science education. In between my public and private school service I was the Region VII Department of Science and Technology Administrator IV. During my stint with DOST, I was closely monitoring, Science Clubbing in Schools, Science Fairs & Quizzes, Science Camps, etc.

This is enough for now, but later I will post a lot of information relative to schools, school operations, and/or teaching-learning experiences.

Good day!

1 comment:


Hi Sir Jobette,

I'm very sorry but I am still a starter blogger and I only do this whenever I have the opportunity to visit an Internet Cafe.'

But thank you very much sir for your comment. We can start the exchange of ideas through this wonderful medium.

Gilbert M. Forbes